четверг, 2 января 2020 г.


Set whether the system last error result is captured after every native invocation. Returns null if the Web Start native library cache location can not be determined. Defaults to true false for direct-mapped calls. If name is null, attempts to map onto the current process. Provides generation of invocation plumbing for a defined native library interface. jna api 3.4.0

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Library Loading When JNA classes are loaded, the native shared library aoi is loaded as well. On platforms which support signals non-WindowsJNA uses signals to trap errors.

If the system property jna. If the encoding parameter is null, the platform default encoding will be used.

jna api 3.4.0

This value may be used to properly set aapi. If there is no NUL terminator, the String will comprise the entire array. Get Started with Astyanax, the Cassandra java library by Netflix. When protected mode is enabled, you should make use of the jsig library, if available see Jnaa Chaining. Astyanax, the Cassandra Java library New blog post: To avoid lots of boilerplate, the base Structure constructor figures out these properties based on its enclosing interface.

Note that the path returned may be different for any given library name.

Set whether the system last error result is captured after every native invocation. The preferred method of obtaining the last error result is to declare your mapped method to throw LastErrorException instead. Also provides various utilities for native operations.

jna api 3.4.0

Object cloneequalsfinalizegetClasshashCodenotifynotifyAlltoStringwaitwaitwait. The value is preserved per-thread, but whether the original jba is per-thread depends on the underlying OS. For use with arrays. If no library options are detected the map is interpreted as a map a;i Java method names to native function names. Stringunless jna. Native public final class Native extends Object Provides generation of invocation plumbing for a defined native library interface.

:jna API Doc ::

Getting started with Astyanax, the open source Cassandra java library and connect your application to one of the most important NoSQL database. If the given handler is nullthe default handler will be reinstated. An attempt is made to load it from the 3.4.00 paths defined in jna. The thread initializer indicates desired thread configuration when the given Callback is invoked on a native thread not yet attached to the VM.

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This may interfere with the JVM's own use of signals. If your system has additional security constraints regarding execution or load of files SELinux, for exampleyou should probably install the native library in an accessible location and configure your system accordingly, rather than relying on JNA to extract the library from its own jar file.

The result is undefined if getPreserveLastError is false. Protected mode will be automatically set if the system property jna. If not supported by the underlying platform, this setting will have no effect.

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Whether the setting is per-thread or global depends on the underlying OS. Indicates whether the system last error result is preserved after every invocation.

Check the result of ina method after calling setProtected true to determine if this platform supports protecting memory accesses. Structures are assumed to be struct pointers unless they implement Structure. This method should only be called from a callback context, and then only just prior to returning to native code. Executing Java or native code after the invocation of this method may interfere with the intended detach state.

Checks all ancestor classes and interfaces for a declaring class which implements Library. If not found, the appropriate library will be extracted from the class path into a temporary directory and loaded from there.

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