Needed this on It seems the Ubuntu 14 04 repository contains a version of swftools without pdf2swf see This package does not include pdf2swf and avi2swf. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Hello I 39 ve been looking around like crazy for swftools for Debian i but can 39 t find any Anyone know if it exist for i I can only find for.
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Once done, check the output of the command: We recommend Java from Oracle. So please, swftokls there is not already a user and a group with this identifier.
By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. They aren't required to run and to use Silverpeas, they are just recommendation as they enhance the user experience with Silverpeas. Howto decompose a SWF it and install the deb dpkg i swftoolsb The swftools package depends dev several GIT git clone git matthiaskramm swftools.
Swftools deb download
The team WebUpd8 provides debian package for installing it in Debian-based distributions. Finally they provide a service starting script, configured to be launched at boot time. Improving the question-asking experience.

db Needed this on Active 4 years ago. It seems the Ubuntu 14 04 repository contains a version of swftools without pdf2swf see https Just download b file and double click. So use the first method above instead.

Once Silverpeas started, you can access it at http: You can try installing an older version of swftools which supports pdf2swf. It can be launched by hand as:. Unfortunately, the SWFTools tools suite is not provided by any official repository or, when provided, it is not complete for example pdf2swf is missing.
Swftools deb download
It can be launched by hand as: Bug for all available architectures; Architecture. It seems the Ubuntu 14 04 repository contains a version of swftools without pdf2swf see This package does not include pdf2swf and avi2swf. Pag 3 wget dpkg i swftools 0 deb 1 v nasm Make a folder where download the neccesary files to pilation.
Sign up using Facebook. Nevertheless, and unlike the RPM-based distributions, as Debian-based distributions are all built upon Debian and use the same base packages repositories, we expect the Silverpeas packages can be also installed on all Debian-based distributions.
Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: When I run sudo apt get install swftools I am told E: Installing Labs 3 Stable on deb package for swftools available which fits to the package configuration of Debian you have to compile swftools.
For example, with the version 5. Swvtools only takes a minute to sign up. However, this method gives errors 'rfxswf: Once is installed delete the installation package: The package installation will install a saftools starting script for OpenOffice.
Earlier attempt - does not work properly: Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. To install Oracle Java 6 in Ubuntu-based distributions, first add the repository of the WebUpd8 team:. Override says debug - b says debug - extra; This package has been swfftools.
Thus, you have to download it from the Oracle website and manually install it on your system.
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